Phil and Lil wearing the puffy diapers in the Rugrats Fall Special
Anyone remember the three-part Rugrats special that takes place right before the second movie, "Rugrats In Paris?" Which was called "Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts," or the three individual episodes, 'Diaper Change,' 'Fall Stinks,' and 'Don't Poop On My Parade.' My favorite plot out of the three of them was Betty having Phil and Lil wear those big puffy diapers. What did you all think of it? I liked it cause it was really cute and funny too as well as something very different for the show too. It was a hilarious surprise to me but does anyone that they didn't delve enough into it or felt there were a few deleted scenes associated with that. Cause I don't think the overall idea with the puffy diapers wasn't explored enough and it was kind of annoying that they went back to normal diapers in the end even though I don't mind Phil's blue shorts but not as much as the look of Lil. Also has anyone ever noticed that the individual titles are to do with that plot. Part 1 being called Diaper Change for obvious reasons, Part 2 being Fall Stinks which I think would've had something to do with the deleted scenes with Phil and Lil I think cause they were briefly scene during the part 1 closing. And then part 3 being called Don't Poop On My Parade which I think has to do with that inside joke between them with Phil saying "I never smells anything like it before." And Lil says "that's you Phillip." In which he blushes. It could just be a coincidence but I would people's thoughts on this. It also was the least explored plot of the three too.