MovieChat Forums > Eerie, Indiana (1991) Discussion > Am I thinking of a different show

Am I thinking of a different show

I finished watching all nineteen episodes of Eerie Indiana (streaming), but I am kind of confused. I remember seeing an episode upon the original run of EI, but it wasn't there and IMDB says there are only 19 episodes. The episode I am referring to is one where Marshall obtains a good luck blessing/curse from a man who previously had it for a very long time. I remember Marshall being able to make a lucky guess at a question based totally upon chance. How many gumballs are in this jar? The man who previously had the curse was glad to be rid of it, but fate was frequently injuring him to make up for lost time. I also think Marshall wanted to give it back, but the man took it to court. That's all I remember from the episode. Was it an episode of Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? Was it possibly Eerie Indiana: The Other Dimension? I have no idea. Does anyone have an answer?



First I would check The Other Dimension and then the other shows. The other Eerie may have had it. But idon't quite remember that from either one. try Hulu website for the Other Dimension.

"Hey did you just take his wallet? He just took that guy's wallet!I think he took his wallet."


That feels like Other Dimension to me. I know it was either that or Goosebumps because I remember the episode in black and white because of the black and white TV I had in my room until 2001. That TV was over the antenna only, so it rules out AYAotD. I don't think it was Goosebumps, though.


It has to be The Other Dimension... I don't actually remember ever watching the other dimension, but the memory of Marshall (or whoever the OD equivalent is) guessing the amount of jellybeans first try and Simon getting mad at him is the reason I rediscovered the series.

Three or four episodes in I was starting to wonder if I was wrong because the House of Stuff didn't look like I remembered, then it looked more like the Diner I remembered, but of course as I say this, I'm remembering there was a service window at the back of the store where stuff happened sometimes I think... Gosh I'm gonna have to find The Other DImension now!


I think it was the "Mr.Lucky" Season 1, Episode 12 of Eerie: The Other Dimension.
