Correct Episode Order
Clearly, the last-aired episode ("The Broken Record") was intended to be the fifth episode. The facts are:
1) Its' production number has it as the fifth episode
2) No episode aired on its' originally intended date, Oct. 13, 1991, which would have landed it between "The Losers" (prod. #4) and "Scariest Videos" (Prod. #6)
3) The lack of an episode title during the intro credits hints that it was an early episode. The episode titles didn't begin until "The Hole in the Head Gang".
With that in mind, I'm now curious about the other episodes aired out of order. Would there be any continuity issues (characters, etc.) if you viewed the entire series in order of production #'s?
Here's a list of episodes by prod. # followed by order of airdates:
1---1 Foreverware
2---2 The Retainer
3---3 The ATM with a Heart of Gold
4---4 The Losers
5--19 The Broken Record
6---5 [America's] Scariest Home Video[s] (What's the true title of this?!)
7---7 Heart on a Chain
8---6 Just Say No Fun (Title may be "Just Say No to Fun")
9---8 The Dead Letter
10-10 The Lost Hour
11--9 Who's Who
12-11 Marshall's Theory of Believability
13-12 Tornado Days
DASH X Episodes
14-13 The Hole in the Head Gang
15-14 Mr. Chaney
16-15 No Brain, No Pain
17-16 The Loyal Order of Corn
18-17 Zombies in P.J.s
19-18 Reality Takes a Holiday
Thoughts? Production #'s or original airdates? Does it matter?