We may have new specifics and details that concern us but, apart from modernized names and terminology for today's issues, the show pretty much dealt with everything already.
Cyber-bullies are just bullies who use the newest tools. Terrorism is merely the modern go-to word for warfare when the bad guys aren't an actual nation or state.
I can see the wish to re-boot or update an old series if the original had too much of a 1970s or even a 1990s look about it but Dinosaurs (1991) created a latex foam rubber cartoon world that was purely an imaginary construct. They had humanoids being kept as pets yet they couldn't decide whether they were the same size as Robbie or were much smaller than the mighty megalosaurus as depicted in an early episode.
I don't see any need to update it for the sake of accuracy as it was never meant to be a text book study of sociology or any area of history. They just used a fun puppet show to spoof the major foibles of life. You could dust it off and re-air it today with no real changes. By trying to shoehorn in say a 2015 reference to social media like FB, it would just be trying too hard to seem "cool & modern" for no reason.