He should have quit while he was ahead with Rocky III
Apollo Creed Becoming Rocky's manager and friend would have been the ideal ending for what could have been the perfect trilogy. Rocky IV was very entertaining, but I agree with the sentiment that it was almost a caricature of the franchise. I also think the character of Apollo Creed deserved a better ending than what he got.
Rocky V felt incredibly amateurish compared to the previous 4. It was almost like watching a TV movie due to the awful sound track, and poor acting by the actor playing Tommy "The Machine " Gunn(easily the WORST sound track of the 6 films). I appreciate Stallone trying to take Rocky V back to the magic of the original, but it just doesn't work here. They tried taking Rocky back to the sweet dim wit he was in the original. The problem with that is that somewhere between Rocky II and III, his IQ shot up about 25 points(one of my few gripes with III). I get the brain damage from the Drago fight excuse. It feels forced though, and only accentuates the fact that they took Rocky out of character in the last two films, and now they need an excuse for why he's a dullard again. I do like the street fight ending of V. It was a fresh ending for a painfully mediocre film.
I enjoyed Rocky Balboa, and I think it was everything Rocky V was trying to be. I know V was technically a segue into RB, but I think they could have done RB without IV and V.
"I saw it move too!"-Mo Rutherford