Funniest Moments.

-"It won't even run down your battery". Casually drives away from the car jackers coprse..."Magnavolt! Lethal Response!".

- Mediawatch. The Amazon Rainforest is destroyed. "Enviromentalists call it a disaster". Cheerful: "But don't they always".

- The two prostitutes beating up the bag snatcher.

- Commercial showing an investor shooting himself in the head after losing his money. "Lost the account..." Turns out to be an ad for making better investments in OCP.

- Willard Pugh's entire performance as the over wrought and over stressed Mayor. "Fuck you! You senile old bastard! This is bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" Other highlights: His expression when his limousine gets bogged down in mud, his terrified escape through the sewage pipe, and his running away from reporters.

- Stephen Lee's entire performance as Officier Duffy. His introduction - teasing prisoners by jingling the cell leys: "Hello ladies...Ah ha!". His expression when staring at the beaten down, protesting cop being carried past, and his being interrogated by Robocop...Robocop: "Where is Cain?!". And "You're a rotten cop..."

- Demonstration of Robocop 2 prototypes..."Stop or I'll shoot"..."Stop or I'll shoot". Johnson crawling away in the background. The second prototype simply screaming and collasping. The expression on the "Old Man".
Johnson: "I never meet anyone who wanted to be a robot".

- The arcade. The lost, old man staring at Robocop being pelted with popcorn while the Nuke junkie is passed out next to him. The Nuke junkie being the last to leave at the sound of gunfire - dazed and staggering.away.

- Robocop being stripped: "Why did you stop? You got a crack!". "I'm tired..."

- Everything about a Little League team robbing an electronic store, and "Bad language makes for bad feelings" and "Now a word on nutrition". Also the elderly owner being hit in the leg with a baseball bat by the little kids - "Harder! Harder!".

- Robocop: "Doesn't the moon look wonderful?" and "Halt! Thank you for not smoking..."

- Cain testing the latest Nuke: "Fra- ankkkk! It makes my teeth wiggle..." Hog nodding behind him and examining the chemistry.

- Sunblock 5000 ad.

- Desperate and tacky telethon to erase the government's debt. Mayor clapping and smiling and the violinst breaking his violin in the background.

- At the meeting between Hog and the Mayor. "For God's sake Marvin these people are criminals!". Mayor: "I hate labels!" Mayor's attorney to the protesting aide: "You shut up".

- The Mayor trying to silence his dying aide while hiding from Cain. "Marv..." "Shhhh..."

- The Old Man literally stepping over bodies as he heads to his limousine after Cain's destructive rampage.


-Thank you for not smoking and the anti car theft device were always my favorites. Oh and the part when the mayor is patronizing Hob about the amount he's going to donate and Hob replies with: 'Don't be a queer! Fifty million!'

There's a ton of funny moments in Robocop 2


Definitely. I think it's even funnier than the first.


One more I forgot to mention...

Reed: "How ya feeling Murphy?"

Robocop: "I'm feeling just fine Warren. Thank you for asking!"

Reed squints and shakes in head in confusion.


- At the meeting between Hog and the Mayor. "For God's sake Marvin these people are criminals!". Mayor: "I hate labels!" Mayor's attorney to the protesting aide: "You shut up".

"""You shut up"""

That was hilarious!!!


I concur!!
