such a great film!

I just watched this movie again last night and was reminded just what a sweet movie this really is. Having your voice and being yourself is what this movie screams out. In a world where people and media tell you how to think, dress, act, look, smell, and behave-this movie challenges all teens and young adults to branch out and be who THEY want to be. The message is so well done-gosh I wish this movie was still all over the place. Seriously, if people are going to sit down and talk about a film-this one should be brought up. Probably one of the best films made in the last 20 years.


Yep, I totally agree. I love the early 1990s and this easily makes my list of favorite movies. I watched it every time it was shown on TV (even the cut versions...), and rented it many many times over the years on VHS.

After a long wait the DVD has just been released locally in Australia and I'm watching it again for the first time in its correct aspect ratio :)
