No, the film that I'm thinking of was not "Over the Edge." I have just found
out the name of the film that I was thinking of. The title is "On the Air Live
with Captain Midnight." (1979). The film was shot in Los Angeles and other
California locations. The male lead was a young actor named Tracy Sebastian.
The film was written and produced by a Ferd and Beverly Sabastian. I tend to
think that they were related to Tracy Sebastian in some way. According to the
IMDB details, this film was shot in 1977, but evidently not released until
1979. There was also an actress with the last name of Sebastian in the film,
so lthis must have been a low-budget family affair. Also according to IMDB,
this film was Tracy Sebastian's biggest credit, and Ferd Sebastian became an
ordained Christian minister after suffering from some sort of illness. The
three people who commented on this film seemed to like it, and IMDB said that
it is available on DVD.