Where Did It Come From?

The extra large phallus?

Christian Slater tells the students to go crazy and it pops up at the high school!


you mean the giant DICK!!! gOD people are so P.C it sickens me. i'm guessing someone made it.

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.


does it really matter that much? Ok, if it does, I'll give you my opinion. The students have been listening to the show for awhile now, they probably made it a long time ago and just now decided to use it as a battering ram.


That is a good question.

Everytime I mention this flick to my sister (quite often since it is my favorite flick and has been around 19 years now) she freaks about the giant unit!


My friend and i thought that too, we're like uhh random giant penis... where did it come from :/


Well, the students listen to his show every night so they probably made a paper mache penis (bigger than a baby's arm) and take it out at night.
