
Was anyone else freakishly attracted to Christian Slater in this movie? I've always thought he was kind of a creeper, but for some reason he is so sexy in this movie! Hot damn!

That's What She Said.


I'm wagering you saw his later films. He was really cute in his late teens/early 20s (Heathers/Pump Up the Volume/that movie with Marisa Tomei), then something happened around 25-28 and he got funny looking, but this was probably his hottest movie. :)


i felt exactly the same way about him before i had seen some of his earlier movies (like the ones selenedm999 mentioned)
that bit where he takes his shirt off during a broadcast was just incredibly hot.

out of all the things i've lost i miss my mind the least


I liked Christian Slater from Pump Up the Volume up through Broken Arrow. I really liked his character in Untamed Heart (the Marisa Tomei movie). Sometime after that he started to lose his appeal. Probably around the time people started accusing him of doing Jack Nicholson impressions in everything.
Still, gotta kinda like anyone who kicks Travolta's hind quarters in a movie.


Chris Slater looked very, very cute in his early movies. He was such a delicious 80's/90's hottie!

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
