Could work as a remake

I don't like remakes, but this movie would work well as one.


ya but in the remake it would be a typical toking black guy talking about how the man is keeping him down, paying *beep* rap music. even worse lame acting and cliches after cliches

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.


A remake? are you nuts! Facebook brought this dream to reality.

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


For all us cinephiles, let us uniformly vomit and condemn ANYONE who from now on says: "Let's remake [insert beloved original film here]."

-Hollywood is void of original ideas.
-You young movie goers should think up some original ideas instead of flipping through past libraries looking for something to remake. The glut of remakes recently is sickening and reveals the tired, unimaginative state of our beloved film.


Unfortunately I'd have to agree with you on this. I'd love to see a remake but Hollywood would screw it up.


Hollywood has made remakes for a looooong time.


Meh, maybe. But it couldn’t be about pirate dj broadcasting over ham radio, it would have to be about something done over the internet, a webcast of some sort.

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


I don't know man. I'm really not against the idea of remakes in general but you'd have a hard time selling me on this one. For starters in this world of social media, pod-casts, internet radio and what have you, an FM pirate radio station just doesn't make sense. I mean why risk getting pinched by the FCC if you can get to a bigger audience online legally? And without the threat of authorities looking for him it's going to be a teenager blogging about the injustices of his high school. Nora driving him around in his mom's jeep while he's frantically updating his facebook status on his iphone? Doesn't really have the same impact.


spot on.
now that everyone has a voice and therefore are just one clamouring against millions , whats he point? this movie could never work today.
just look at the inane as$hats that are utube "stars"


So be it:
Radio Rebel -
The mood is quite different - there are no serious parts.


This guy is the new and modern Harry/Mark:


Shut your mouth.


only talking about harry
