"You Couldn't Afford It..."
This has got to be one of the worst lines of the movie, never really understood why they put it in the movie unless they were really trying to make Vivian look really stupid and naive.
To refresh, this is after Edward picks up Vivian in the fancy $100,000 car and he asks her how much for the whole night together. Clearly Edward is a wealthy man. She's driving around in a fancy car and they are going to Beverly Hills, but when he asks how much for the night, her first response is "You couldn't afford it."
Now, if she came back and said something like $10,000 for the night, I could see her point. But she came back with $300! $300!!! LOL. Would Vivan really believe that $300 was something this guy "couldnt afford"? This guy wipes his ass with $300, just to make sure its clean.
always found that line to be strange and poorly written. I just dont think that number would have come out of her mouth, or that she would have ever thought he couldnt afford such a small amount. She KNEW how valuable that car was. In fact, she knew more about it than he did.