MovieChat Forums > Pacific Heights (1990) Discussion > An Interesting Comment on California Civ...

An Interesting Comment on California Civil Laws

Mr Hayes could have only pulled this off in California. The "Civil Codes" regarding tenant/landlord relations were so ridiculously pro-tenant for many years, that many in the property rental business simply left the State. I don't know if Arnold tried to change some of these laws or not. Laws like this and all the absurdly pro-public sector union laws are the legacy of Jerry Brown, who made California the most leftist State in the Union, and caused a massive migration of business out of State. This has destroyed the tax base. That's why California has as much as one trillion $ in unfunded public sector pensions, and is headed for disaster. How ironic, that Californians chose to re-elect Jerry Brown.

If anyone thinks what Carter Hayes did in this film is not plausible, they should do some research. I know some Cali transplants that told me horror stories about some rental properties they had in SD. In my State, you can be evicted within 5 days for non-payment of first month's rent and security deposit.


Thank you. Somebody with common sense, except of course for the spelling of "civil."


Thanks for the spelling help, but my point is still spot on. Only in modern day California could someone pull off this kind of scam. I think probably in any other State, you would have no tenants rights until you pay first (and probably last month's) rent as well as a security deposit. Also, Carter Hayes' changing the locks, before any payment was recieved would be grounds for immediate eviction if not criminal proceedings, in anywhere but California.

California will be a war zone in 10 years due to the past and present socialist policies of Jerry Brown. Almost all the productive citizens have left the State, and there is nothing left but the masses of poor and the few extremely rich. This is a showdown, the Federal Govt. can't solve. The blood of thousands will be on the hands of Jerry Brown.


I believe that it's the same in Massachusetts. (I've heard horror stories from friends there).


"The blood of thousands"

o.O sounds terribly scary, Chas


Maybe it will be? You tell me what happens when 100,000s of people stop recieving their pension checks, because the State of California has no money, and no ability to borrow money?

Something has to give, no?


The tenant laws here are still ridiculous.
There could be a parasite scumbag person living in a building, harrassing, doing drugs, but if you tell them they're evicted they still have 30 days to stay there and destroy what they want.


They are a joke in New Jersey also. I used to own a dozen rentals and sold every one of them. Courts postpone if the tenant doesn't show up and if they are 6 months behind, as long as they pay one month, court will now allow an eviction


as a tenant who has been harassed by my landlord and property management company, i am happy to live in a state where "the man" does not always come out on top. it can't be too leftist for me.


But orangeandyellow, you're not a 'wealth creator' so you must automatically be treated like a second-class citizen. Haven't you read the comments of your fellow posters above?
