An Interesting Comment on California Civil Laws
Mr Hayes could have only pulled this off in California. The "Civil Codes" regarding tenant/landlord relations were so ridiculously pro-tenant for many years, that many in the property rental business simply left the State. I don't know if Arnold tried to change some of these laws or not. Laws like this and all the absurdly pro-public sector union laws are the legacy of Jerry Brown, who made California the most leftist State in the Union, and caused a massive migration of business out of State. This has destroyed the tax base. That's why California has as much as one trillion $ in unfunded public sector pensions, and is headed for disaster. How ironic, that Californians chose to re-elect Jerry Brown.
If anyone thinks what Carter Hayes did in this film is not plausible, they should do some research. I know some Cali transplants that told me horror stories about some rental properties they had in SD. In my State, you can be evicted within 5 days for non-payment of first month's rent and security deposit.