Bev D'angelo
Why was Bev D'Angelo not credited in this film? Did she have a problem with it? Geez Tracy Walters had a smaller roll and he gets credit?
Does anyone know?
Why was Bev D'Angelo not credited in this film? Did she have a problem with it? Geez Tracy Walters had a smaller roll and he gets credit?
Does anyone know?
I thought that was her, MisterHugo. Thanks for confirming it. I liked the movie and thought she did a good job playing Keaton's girlfriend.
shareWow, 21 years later and my suspicions are CONFIRMED--that IS Bev in the beginning. No credit, no confirmation from anyone, friends denying, etc...I even assumed it wasn't her after watching the opening scene today. Dunno why but just NEEDED to check IMDB and voila--it IS her. Thank you IMDB as always for bringing meaning to my life yet again.
-This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I always wondered the same thing!
Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
I think she didnt want the credit ,and for people to find it harder to figure out who that character was(like an earlier responder did) because of the nudity she did. Believe me, i still framed the last second of when she was on that bed at the beginning of the film, and you pretty much see one of the most beautiful(how can i put this) pleasure areas ive ever seen!
That is an odd explanation since she had shown her breast in 2 previous films. "The Sentinel" & "Vacation".
shareShe was quite a bit younger in the Nat'l Lampoon feature, and the indie-horror flick "The Sentinel" is even more ancient (with only brief "artistic" nudity at that). However the opening credits' prominent display of her yabbos, clearly no body double, would normally make an actress less likely to decline the credit, not more, and I suspect this is probably arising from a studio or agent dispute not directly bearing on the film's production.
I'm a Lieutenant Detective in, uh, Homicide. That's a fancy name for murder.
Geez Tracy Walters had a smaller roll and he gets credit?
I noticed that too and then I just thought it was a look-alike. Maybe a contractual thing. Always good to see her.