Gun handling

Was anyone else slightly taken aback with some of the gun handling in this movie? I'm no expert, but in some scenes, especially at the end, 1 guy with what looked to be an ak47, was spraying a building with gunfire, just holding down the trigger and letting it jump all over the place. then he pics up the (was it a beret sniper rifle) and just starts shooting from the hip so to speak. I thought that was ridiculous.
that and when the armoured truck was firing at the mercedes, there was impact just in front of the car.. but that is more of a goof than anything.

still a classic movie btw.


I fell in love with the sniper rifle in this film. As for gun handling, at least they didnt fire more bullets than you can actually fit in the clip. oh wait....

--> Suspend belief! <--


Did'nt knew a .50 caliber sniper rifle had explosive bullets...

The AK-47 like weapon could be an RPK machine rifle.




he put the 50. cal on his hip cause if he put it up to his soulder the recoil would hurt and less arrurate. and the other gun was a rpk not a ak47


right, but why even bother? it seems like a waste of time to shoot from the hip at that distance.

and once again, spraying the front of a building just doesn't make much sense to me.


He was spraying the building to keep the shooters in the windows off balance. He did this to cover Charlie Sheen.
What is an RPK? They looked like AK-47's to me.

Happiness Is Vastly Overrated.



I see. Thanks for adding to my knowledge of Russian guns.

Happiness Is Vastly Overrated.


yeah, ok, he was spraying the buidling, but watch where the bullets are hitting, all over the place, if one of the guys in the building had any balls they would have put him down fast.


Well, dunbar, I guess they just weren't as much of a badass as you are.

Happiness Is Vastly Overrated.


oh come on man, your saying I can't crit a movie that is largly about weapons?
doing be such a *beep* child


I'm sure that had to do with the squib set up and how they went off. I'm betting the production team was hoping people wouldn't notice.



Errr, aiming pegs? Where I come from that is called a bipod, when deployed allows steady continual rapid fire.


Hawkins: "Ramos jump on the 50 and put that f-cker on his knees"


Hawkins: "Rexer, get an angle on that balcony; if he shows you piece, BLOW IT OFF....'

"What do you do, anyway?"
"I'm a Naval Aviator."
"You fly belly buttons?"


you know. I think i had the wrong mindset when watching this movie.

upon another viewing. I'm just going to say it kicks ass. in every way.

a beautiful film.


thats the spirit ;)


I like your the quotes in your post, very cool!





first off id like to apologize to everyone here for this being so long but every now and then some uneducated puke needs to be put in his place. ok so im not sorry but thats the polite thing to say right?
quote "An RPK is a russian made light machine gun, looks like a bigger AK-47 and sounds and is stronger. One of the seals did have one, if you notice he has aiming pegs on the end of his barrel"

Quote "Its not called a Beret, its a Barret .50 cal high velocity rifle, *beep* heavy things too, the rounds can peirce a tanks walls, cement, alot of things, the explosive rounds where used in this movie, they portrayed the gun handeling and discipline very well. You can burst fire an AK-47 when you wish to use cover fire for your team, you only use 4 shot bursts when you are actually trying to hit an enemy when you know you will hit him. Id much rather an AW50 sniper rifle than a Barret, Barrets are clumsy heavy and can be unaccurate peices of crap in terms of sniping, though the newer smaller Barret 82A1 Semi Automatic .50 BMG Rifle is a great weapon and is used by many instead of the older Barret cause its lighter and has longer range and low recoil."

no offense dude, but WTF? you sound like one of those guys who got their info off a bad action movie. its not a Barret its a Barrett, if your going to correct someone correct them properly. second aiming pegs? you sound like preschooler, most people i know in the military, and most civilians i know, refer to it as a Bipod. 4 round bursts? been playing alittle to much counterstrike or halo have we? seven round bursts, why you may ask? because a tracer is loaded every 5th round you shoot seven so you can guide and correct yourself with a tracer. but if your covering someone you usually empty out a lot more rounds than one burst,you empty the whole mag because people have a tendency to stick their ugly heads up and start shooting agian when your not pourlead down their throats, 4 rounds is going to get your teammate just enough time to get his a$$ shot off as he steps out of cover.
Now on to your sniping.... Inaccurate pieces of crap? inaccurate meaing being able to drive the bullets in like nails at excess 2000 yds? yeah the best sniper weapon system out there has an effective range of 800 yds( thats assuming that some untrained dumbarse like you picks it up, someone trained could effectivly use it at excess 1000 yds but thats a whole different discussion.) personaly ill take 2000 over 800 anyday. not like God was shooting that far anyway. and we're not going to argue which rifle is better (meaning the AW vs M82)why you may ask? because the military allready did for us. they hold these things called trials, and all the hopefuls line up with their .50's and they shoot, they shoot for speed, accuracy, recoil. they beat the rifles up, they tear them apart, put them back together blah blah blah the list goes on and on. and guess what, much better educated men and warriors decided that they liked the M82. that effectivly closes the argument on which rifle is better.
And because this is getting a lot longer than i intened were not going to start on the RPK, vs, the AK thing you got going here...."sounds better"!?!? aiming pegs? jesus



The AK74 and the RPK74 fire 5.45 not the 7.62 that the AK47 and original RPK fire. Thats a big difference. The AK74 is based on the AKSU 74 which was originally intended for VDV and Spetsnaz use with some models going to officers and vehicle crewmen. It was one of the first of the AK 'family' to contain plastic furniture.

Thats a big difference as well as most AK47s still sport wood furniture. The 74 was also one of the first to use plastic magazines. Not only would this make it look different from its big brother, but the size should give it away. The RPK 74 uses the same plastic mags as well and size difference between the two mags, the 47 and 74, should make even a novice look at it and go 'gee whiz Wally that looks different'.



The Barrett system is not the best sniping system out there. I don't think there really is a "best." It's only as good as whose hands it's in right? I do think that the M82A1 Barrett is more of an anti-material rifle. The longest kill ever from a sniper rifle was NOT made with a Barrett (It was made by a Canadian Sniper in Afganistan using a McMillan Tac-50 at the range of 2430 meters)




Yo Boats, How about the .50 SLAP round? Sabot Light Armor Piercing? Used them once back in the day during a testing op. Great penetration into armor on the range, unknown if ever field issued in mass quantities.



AK47 :



This films is sick, so bad its good.

Who could forget .....Stike like lighting the thunder is in your heart.



So you can see the (ever so slight) difference.

Years of wondering What is that gun ? are over for me thanks to that site.


The worst thing is the way they were holding the MP5s and their AKMSs (they didn't have AK47s). Pushed out at the end of the sling, why not unfold or telescope the stock and use the sights? I guess it just doesn't look cool.


Pushing the MP5 out at the end of the sling is the correct method to use it when it has the Dieter CQB sling as it did in this film. Thats how its taught to be used.

The way the Aks were used is their own thing.


You might be right, but I've never encountered the tactical course, weapons manual, training video etc that did not advocate the use of sights and the most stable shooting stance possible.

The entire point of three point slings is that the weapon can be brought to th shoulder faster from a wider variey of positions.



I asked about this on some gun boards and got some suprising input. Apparently it was the technique about the time the movie was filmed (late 80s). Modern footage of SEALs definately has them using the stocks and sights. There are just to many documentaries of SEALs out there.
