Rick Rossovich flubs

Watch these parts and witness Rossovich (Leary/also played Iceman's co-pilot in Top Gun) dropping things in the background:

golf course scene. you know the one, the all male gay musical montage at the linx, set to the tune of "the boys are back in town." there's a part where one of the guys is trying to swing, keeps missing, then rossovich snaps the club over his knee (deeming it flawed) before handing it back. right before the other guy grabs it, rossovich fumbles it.

final showdown in beirut. while rossovich is preparing someone's morphine, he nervously drops it.

these weren't deliberate actions for dramatic effect. u thought no one noticed rossovich. u thought wrong.



and one other thing Rossovich- you look really gay in that helicopter rescue scene near the beginning. the one where you look up, and nod affectionately as that one dude's head is in your lap, as if to say "my baby's gonna be o.k." i'm watching you.



rick owns u man


^^^^ right on!

Rossovich could rip your head off and not break a sweat dude

How do you like your brandy, sir?
In a glass.


There is also a scene on the boat with the hostages when him and Charlie Sheen are running across the deck and he trips and stumbles a bit.


What's up with the OP man? Did Rick beat him up in High school when he was a dork way back when? Why focus so much attention on crap that NO ONE notices or cares about. News flash. actors stumble. ACtors drop things. In TONS of movies. And if it's minor, no one cares. I've seen this movie a dozen times and there was no flub big enough for me to notice.....

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
