No there isnt such a requirement. You could have 'ZERO' training in anything in fact. In order to qualify for a SEAL Challenge Contract you will have to be Physically, Mentally and Morally Qualified and that is it.
To be physically qualified (for the contract that is), you will need to take the general entry physical at MEPs. This phys will be the same for a SEAL Contract with the exception of vision, which will have stricter stong eye/weak eye corrected/uncorrected requirement, along with a stricter diopter minimum.
To be mentally qualified you will need to take the ASVAB and get at least a 50 overall AFQT, along with a Special Operations Line Score of 220 or better, along with a General Technical Line Score of 110.
He will then need to take a Top Secret Clearance screening, along with a moment of truth interview, at which point if successful the MEPs experience will stop.
One those 3 parts are met an applicant must then take the NSW Physical Screening Test. Which can be administered by a NSW Motivator. It includes a swim, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and run in short order. Once PST is done a applicant will go through CSORT which is a computer based special operations resilence tests. This will incorporate the PST Scores along with psychological questions.
To be morally qualified, to make a long story short, you need to have a clear criminal record and good credit.
Once all of that is done and SAT an Applicant can get the Contract and DEP in. Then as long as his Top Secret Clearance and SF-86 clear the NSA he will be eligible to ship.
Once in Boot Camp not only do you have to complete Boot Camp but, you will need to take and pass the PST again under a bit more strict circumstances. You will also need to complete the NSW PT Program with flying colors with clearance from the motivators. And if all of that is good, you will go to BUD/S right out of Boot Camp depending up the the end of Boot Camp and the Startup of the next BUD/S Class.
I am the motherf&*%in Shore Patrol As^&*%#!