MovieChat Forums > Misery (1990) Discussion > Had Paul made it through the blizzard .....

Had Paul made it through the blizzard ...

And never crashed and whatnot, that would have left Annie alone still. How do you think she'd react once she read the latest Misery novel? Would she have waited by the hotel when Paul was finishing his next book and captured him? Kill all of her animals? What are your thoughts?


Good question. I expect she would have approached him given how he used to visit the same rented cabin - she knew of it and would often sit in her car nearby "wondering what was going on in the mind of the world's best writer". Either that or she would have run him off the road at a later date or bombarded him with hate mail demanding he ressurect Misery from her grave lol.

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


Good suggestion and totally believeable. If a fan can sneak into King's house then a motel should be no problem for Annie
