MovieChat Forums > Misery (1990) Discussion > The drugged cocktail

The drugged cocktail

What do you think Paul would have done next had Annie not spilled the drugged wine and drank it instead? I mean, first of all, if it had just rendered her unconscious, do you think he would have finished her off before attempting escape? Like cutting her throat or something? If I remember right she had not yet hobbled him, so maybe he didn't quite HATE her yet. Then again, drugging her drink and possibly killing her from that was already a risk he was willing to take. He was still quite crippled up, but could have crawled his way to her vehicle. Unless he could find a working phone in the house. Thoughts?


I thought he had hidden a big sharp kitchen knife under his mattress too. I will watch it again today and check.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


That was later in the film. She caught him with the knife under the bed the same night he took it from the kitchen.


I don't think Paul was the cold-blooded killer type. He would have probably tied her up while she was knocked out. Then try to rig a contraption to be a able to drive the truck, or find some way to signal for help.


She would've been passed out for at least an hour after the heavy dosage plus mixture of alcohol and Annie was not already a druggie or alcohol abuser.

That said, at that point he probably would've grabbed the keys and gone to her truck. As painful as it would be to drive, at that moment your adrenaline and survival instinct would kick in big time and people in serious pain can overcome major obstacles when you're in fight/flight mode. I mean let's just say his legs didn't work, he could grab a cane, piece of wood, etc. and push down on the pedal. He'd have to take it slow but he'd have lots of time with her passed out and she wouldn't run him down on foot lol.

Plus I got the impression the town wasn't THAT far away. Maybe like a 10-15 minute drive round trip considering how quickly she got back after he picked the lock and got out of and back in his room when she got home.

I think he took the knife as a last means of self defense is she came at him again.


Is Novril prescription or otc? How did Annie get so much?


Novril is a fictional drug, invented for the movie. But I'd imagine it would probably be along the same strength as Oxycodone or Dilaudid - definitely prescription only.

And Annie was a nurse, which is why she was able to obtain such quantities of the drug, and the fact that they were still in their pharmaceutical packaging.


But she was not a practising nurse, and considering her infamous past, I doubt it would be easily obtained. Even practising nurses of pharmacist would not be able to obtain a narcotic in such quantities.


She may have been able to obtain those drugs years before, when she still was a practicing nurse. Also, I'm sure nurses can obtain pharmaceutical drugs much easier than the average Joe, and she also may have had close connections to doctors who could obtain such drugs.

Heck, it may be even simpler - she could have stolen those drugs while she was working as a nurse.


Probably since her cupboard was full of drugs
