25 years after ...

... and what's become of both the characters & the world in that time?

Now that's a sequel I'd love to see, though I won't hold my breath waiting for it. The times today are even less inviting for a film like Mindwalk than when it first came out, sad to say. But I'd love to see these three people discussing the post-9/11 world, the rise of extremist fundamentalism in all religions, climate change, the new discoveries in science & technology as well as the cultural changes following from them ... I'll just have to imagine it, I guess ...



Good point...the film itself had a touch of sadness to me (just viewed it) as they were kind of sad to the world they were in then, I cannot even imagine how sad they would be at the world we have today, where we are even more fundamentalist, more divisive, and more solitary in our love affair with technology. The only constant is change, and ever increasing change, and I am sure they would have never been able to predict the world they would have seen in 25 years.


Yes, that sense of the world being headed in the wrong, potentially fatal direction, and feeling that little or nothing can be done about, has only become stronger in the intervening decades, hasn't it?


Hah, this is one of my favorite movies. Imagine my surprise to see this in the scroller at the top of MovieChat. This and "My Dinner With Andre" are the greatest conversation movies.


I occasionally post a new message to the boards for both films, as I'm sure there are at least a few people out there who love them. :)


dont be sad

with the advent of the internet they probably all found one another and get together every few years >_>


They might well have mixed feelings about the internet, and rightly so.
