not so funny
few chuckles here n there thats it.
i gave 5/10
it's a cute movie though. Don't you think?
I like cats named nightmare. I have a "nightmare" every night!
This is a terrible film, period. It is amazing that Estevez wrote 15 drafts of this and this is the best he got with it. Someone should've just said, "Emilio, you're a great actor, but you can't write."
shareboth emilio and charlie admit it's a terrible movie. but i grew up with it, and i like it. it cracked me and my brothers up
Since when does every movie have to be amazing to be enjoyable? I find it hilarious. :)
And dumb. :)
"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."
olaf!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're here. i try to monitor this board. well, i would say welcome, but this puts it best:
Season's Greetings
Nuts! Ha! I'm watching this right now.
"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."
where? what? it was on tv? bravo olaf! if you feel inclined please nominate it to the national film archive.
it's the best american movie ever. 2nd fav film of mine is 'mondo'; hard to get, but an awesome cinema experience: irits
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.