MovieChat Forums > Marked for Death (1990) Discussion > Best fight compilation sequence on web

Best fight compilation sequence on web

Hi all,

I spent a few hours putting together a chronological montage of every beating dealt by Steven Seagal between the years '88 and '92 (the golden era) set to a quintessential soundtrack.

the video can be found at:

Would appreciate any comments you may have.

Best regards,


awesome stuff


Very nice work! I love it! You got everything...the jewelry store, the butcher, the pool hall, etc.

The only scene I feel you're missing is from Above The Law. Right before he chases that guy down on foot. Segal is out-numbered by a car full of bad guys. One guy has a gun, another a baseball bat, and another had a machete. Segal eventually gets a hold of the machete and does a little damage before we see how weird he runs.

"Don't step on the chickens!"
