region 2 dvd cut??????

right just watching the film and im at the bit where the 2 jamaicans take on hatcher in the shopping centre,i know there was quiet a gruesome arm break moment in that part but on my region 2 dvd it appears to be cut??? its about 54.45 mins . and it looks so cut? is this right??? or is it like the bloody commando region 2 dvd being cut??? is the marked for death region 1 dvd uncut????





I remember thinking the same thing when watching it after buying it on R2 DVD. It got worse when they edited the Screwface fight. At the time I was naive as to just how bad BBFC are for censorship. They've had a field day with the Segal movies.

"cook the man some eggs!"





Damn this is %&#@&%#^ awful. I bought Commando and Marked for Death because they were really cheap. And now I get screwed, &%#* the BBFC, when you watch it on TV they don't hold back so why the hell do paying customers have to suffer, esp since it has a 18 age restriction.


yep same with me in australia, my copy is edited, and its bad because i first saw this film unedited, so i constantly notice the edited scenes. sigh....
