MovieChat Forums > It (1990) Discussion > Am I missing something?

Am I missing something?

At the very beginning of the film, IT kills the little girl, Lori Ann. Then, her mom walks out looking for her, and all we see is a close up of the her tricycle, and the wheel spinning. Is there supposed to be blood on it that I can't see or did she see her daughter's body or something and it's just not shown in the scene? I'm 24 now, but when I first saw this, I was about 11 and I never quite understood this part :)


I don't think blood was supposed to be there, I think the symbolism of the killing was there. It is unlikely they would have wanted to splatter blood there, there was no blood when Georgie had his arm ripped off and it was done off screen. There are some violent parts but mosty involving adults as it was a made for TV film.



the girl is gone, all that's left is her trike...


In the book the kid grabbed from the tricycle ends up being found in a culvert on the other side of town.

Laurie Ann is mentioned as having disappeared while sledding, but I don't think she's ever found.


In the miniseries, it is implied that her mother is seeing her daughter's dead body outside of the shot and the spinning wheel is supposed to ominously imply that. Not to mention I doubt she would scream hysterically like that if she was just seeing her daughter's abandoned tricycle.


You're probably right. Mike watches the scene as they put the body in the van.
