Has anyone ever heard if a different DVD of this movie will be coming out? The reason I ask, is one time I saw a photo still from this movie where Garcia and Gere are at a bar having a drink (and it didn't look like a friendly drink).
I'd love to see some delete scenes from this flick.
when the movie was released in Europe in summer of 1990 (around the same time as pretty woman) i remember the trailer featuring gere and garcia falling through a pane of glass which of course doesnt happen in the released film. Ya so a DVD directors cut would be great. i saw the DVD release the other day , the movie was great as ever but the extras were non-existent (bar the usual language choices.)
i also rememger the bar(strip club?) scene from the trailer.the scene described where garcia and gere fall thru a window is actually from the original ending figgis had.he described in a book, and it sounded great, but the problem was it didn't test well.the audience wasn't sure the gere character was dead(or something).so he wrote and shot a whole new ending.hoping a special edition dvd would have this ending along with deleted scenes.this was a great film.
agreed. the way figgis described the original ending sounded alot better than what was used.i guess the difference is the new ending wrapped things up more effectively.audiences don't like unsettled conclusions.
Lo, that did sound better...it would have served both Peck and Raymond right if they'd fallen out of the window. Both of them were such a$$holes and deserved each other.