Raymond the anti-hero...

In actuality, Raymond was the anti-hero of the film. How? An anti-hero is a protagonist who lacks the qualities that make a hero, ie, courage, altruism, idealism, moral strength. Raymond is lacking in these qualities; it is only after his cousin is killed and Peck makes a play for Kathleen that Raymond goes after Dennis.

It becomes obvious as the film goes on that Raymond has an ulterior agenda and it's not about stopping a criminal from victimizing the city or corrupting the LAPD, but about his own ego and his own "turf" and image.

Raymond becomes enraged at Dennis not because he is killing innocent ppl. and scamming others in real estate schemes, but because Dennis deigned to step on his "turf" and shatter the image Raymond has of his "perfect" family.

He also becomes enraged and hits his own wife because she made him look foolish by fooling around with his worst enemy. He's unmindful of the other customers in the restaurant where he confronts his wife; all he cares about at this point is dumping out his rage and humiliating Kathleen in the same way he feels "humiliated."

As the film goes on, it becomes clear that Raymond has stopped caring about doing the right thing, but about getting revenge. He becomes obsessed with retaliating against Raymond at the expense of his other responsibilites at work and at the expense of his fledgling working relationship with Amy Wallace (the true hero of this film) and his employee relationship with Chief Grieb.

Amy's injury at Peck's hands becomes Raymond's excuse for revenge, fueled by finding Dennis in bed with Kathleen.

He "gets" Dennis, is enemy, but at the expense of his soul and dignity. As the film closes and even when Raymond is holding Kathleen again, it's clear to see how far down Raymond has sunk; he has sunk nearly to Peck's level.

If there is a hero in this film, let's look no further than Amy Wallace. Amy is not the main protagonist, but she has the making of a hero...she's unselfish and although she too is disturbed by Dennis' actions, she doesn't make it about her; she keeps her focus on the large picture and doesn't let Dennis derail her the way Raymond becomes derailed from his job.

Even when Amy overhears Raymond and Kathleen bickering and Kathleen screaming that Amy's his "f**cking girlfriend"; Amy doesn't sink down to their level. Although we can sense that she is profoundly embarrassed by what she overheard, she stays on task and reports about VanStretch's death and is on the job and making sure the other officers are all right.

Amy also keeps the boat going smoothly even when she witnesseses Raymond's tantrum at work; she continues doing what she's doing in the investigation, although she is a tad frightened by Raymond's chair-throwing fit.

When she's injured near the end, even then, she doesn't consider revenge, she's mostly worried about Raymond and the rest of the LAPD being all right.

So, we have:

Hero: Amy Wallace

Anti-hero: Raymond Avila

Villian: Dennis Peck.

That's my take on the main characters in this film.

Roseanne + Jackie forever


Anyone think Kathleen was an anti-hero, hero, or everyperson?

Roseanne + Jackie forever


sorry but Nancy Travis who played Kathleen did NOT do a very good job. She doesnt draw in the audience and is the only weak character in the movie


Yeah, her character was kind of lame and Nancy did a mediocre job with her. Amy was a much more powerful character and Laurie did a steller job with Amy. That also is another factor as to why Amy Wallace is the film's true hero.

Roseanne + Jackie forever


you are extremely creepy


Absolutely disagree. Nancy Travis was just about perfect for the part.

Who do you think could have played that role better at that time?

This movie wasn't about her character. She was there for a specific purpose.

Short Cut, Draw Blood



Complete and utter b.s.

Raymond goes after Peck initially because of Van Stretch. In investigating Van Stretch they find he owns very expensive property for a guy on a cop's salary, and thats how Peck comes up. He and his partner realize Peck gets extra security jobs for other cops, putting alot of cops in Dennis' pocket and also that Dennis, Van and Penny are involved in shady real estate dealings. After Van is killed, Raymond nearly becomes obsessed with catching Peck, to the point that he is neglecting his wife.

What you wrote was utter b.s. and makes me think you only watched half the movie.

If anything, Raymond is Dennis Peck's foil. Look up the literary definition of foil.

Both Peck and Raymond can be singleminded in their pursuit of what they want. Both know how to use people's desires against them, to get them to do what they want. The difference is, Raymond isnt a sociopath. He also is monogamous and doesnt manipulate women for his own ends. Raymond is also loyal, he genuinely cares for his partner and for Van Stretch. Meanwhile, Dennis is cold blooded and easily turns on those who help him( Dorian, Van, Mr Arrocas)

Raymond and Peck are equal opposites. This is summed up in the scene where Raymond meets up with Peck at the local food spot where he is having coffee and standing with Kee. They are feeling each other out and sizing each other up during their verbal sparring, trying to get one up on each other.

Regarding Kathleen, Raymond isnt enraged because he thinks she is sleeping with his 'enemy' he is enraged because he thinks she is cheating, period! Their relationship with each other is extremely passionate and possessive. it wouldnt matter if he thought she was sleeping with peck or with his police chief, the reaction would be the same.

"There isn't a jury in the world that would convict a baby...well, maybe Texas "-


talk about complete and utter BS!

"He also is monogamous and doesn't manipulate women for his own ends. Raymond is also loyal, he genuinely cares for his partner and for Van Stretch. Meanwhile, Dennis is cold blooded and easily turns on those who help him( Dorian, Van, Mr Arrocas)

Raymond and Peck are equal opposites. "

No he only beats them in public, he doesn't cheat! You missed a good movie. It is in large part about Rayond's downward spiral. He judges van with disgust when his wife walks in with a black eye. Remember why? Van thought she was cheating on him. Same reason Raymond publicly smacked his innocent wife around.

Dennis did not "turn on people who helped him". Van was about to rat him out so he had to go. Arrocas was a piece of crap. Dorian is the one who turned on him after he did him a favor. Bad guy? Absolutely but let's get it straight. He was out for himself and would do anything to get ahead and take out anyone in his way.

Not even sure why you wrote the last paragraph. What evidence do you have of that? makes no sense. Of course he would be upset if his wife cheated on him but it is undoubtedly ten fold if it was with Dennis whom he despised


Short Cut, Draw Blood
