"Red October" was an American film with an international cast that mostly didn't speak Russian. Trying to shoot half of the film in Russian would have meant that some of the pivotal scenes would have been actors trying to phonetically recite lines that they did not understand, much less know how to emote saying.
Good point.
Another thing you notice is that the original scenes with Russian characters are all in Russian. The switch to English is done in one pivotal scene. From then on wards, the movie switches to English-only, with British accents. Even battle station orders are given in English, which doesn't make sense in a real world scenario. When the Americans and Russians meet face to face, we see all the Russians conversing in Russian. That's when we realize that they were speaking in Russian all the time.
I was impressed by this kind of cinematic license where there is a noticeable transition from perfect Russian to perfect English and back.
I would have hated if the Russian characters spoke in English(with a heavy Russian accent) even when there was no English speaking character in the room. That would look ridiculous.
Since we were the English speaking flies on the wall, we heard every dialogue in English until the final scene.