MovieChat Forums > Home Alone (1990) Discussion > Too many things do not make sense

Too many things do not make sense

This movie is a barrage of 'that doesn't make sense' in a movie form. Holy cow, does this movie NOT make sense almost at all. And then some.

There are of course the usual points everyone has already pointed out, but I started noticing perhaps a bit more.

For example..

- Mom forgetting Kevin makes no sense.

Think about it. You have an emotional, almost traumatic fight with your young, cute son. No matter how big a house or large a family you have, you're NOT going to forget all the commotion that happened 'yesterday'.. the food was ruined, liquids flew all over the place, EVERYONE ganged against your son, then he says shockingly insulting and terrible things due to your bad parenting..

..would YOU just forget it by the next morning SO completely, you don't even remember he exists until you are in an airplane? No matter HOW busy you supposedly are due to an incredible, stupidly unlikely chain of coincidences, you can't just forget an emotionally massive turmoil like that overnight.

You would fall asleep thinking about Kevin, you would dream about Kevin, you would wake up thinking about Kevin, and the FIRST thing you'd do is go see if he's all right and see if you can talk it out and if you can convince him to prepare for the trip anyway even though you had such a huge fight the previous night.


Of course this movie is SOLELY based on things that would NEVER, ever happen, just so that 'the movie can happen'. I hate this kind of stuff.

- Guns are ridiculously loud. Let me rephrase this; 'a bang isn't a bang'. You can't use just ANY 'explosive sound' in place of GUNFIRE, because first of all, people DO RECOGNIZE different types of bangs very easily. There's no way the stupidest people could confuse a cracker explosion and a gunshot. You can also differentiate fireworks, a broom being banged against a wall, a movie sound effect explosion, construction work, fake gunfire in a TV show, very clearly and distinctly.

A human ear can't make a mistake like that. You can't mistake a tiny cracker or whatever it's called, exploding in a box together with fake gunfire from a TV with a REAL GUNSHOT or real gunfire.

GUNS ARE RIDICULOUSLY LOUD. Nothing in your everyday world comes even close.

- Why the F would this guy just scream - AND BLINK! (HOW WEIRD IS THAT? - and keep screaming when his head is being torched? Humans (and animals) don't react that way. They don't just SCREAM when they're in pain - they also INSTINCTIVELY move away from the pain by reflex, as quickly as possible. They don't just stand in a fire and BLINK!

It makes it look so fake and creepy - why would he remember to blink, but not realize to move away from the fire? Why would he keep screaming with static face but yet blink? The blinking makes this look like he's fully conscious, fully there, just making a decision to just stand and scream.

The tarantula scream is also weird - why would he scream from having tarantula put on his face? Can he even SEE what it is from that angle, but even if he can, does he think he's somehow SAFER if he screams in a weird, high-pitched way? It makes no sense. You'd think he would be as still as possible as to not startle the animal so it won't bite by reflex or something. But sure, WEIRD SCREAM is the better choice.. somehow.

- Why doesn't anyone communicate? Kevin doesn't tell the crooks to GET OUT OF HIS HOUSE, he doesn't threaten them in any way, he actually INVITES them to get him. This actually makes it lawful for the crooks to BE in the house, so why would they even leave? Except..

- Why aren't the 'Wet Bandits' afraid of the cops? It doesn't matter that Kevin hasn't even called the cops FOR REASONS?!, but that they don't know whether he has or not. Logically, they SHOULD assume the son of the owner of the house HAS called the cops, so they have a VERY limited time to do anything. Why do they act as if they have all the time in the world? The cops could be coming any second, and these guys just chase after someone in that someone's own house? WHAT KIND OF SENSE DOES THIS MAKE?

What is their plan anyway at that point? To kill the kid? To rough him up? To make sure he doesn't talk while they steal his stuff? Wouldn't it just stand to reason to just LET IT GO and go to some other house?

Why would they even START the whole thing, knowing the kid is home? Would YOU try to burglarize a house (provided that you are the type that would do that anyway) you know is inhabited by a kid of the owner? You don't know if the owner is coming back for the kid any second, why the F would you risk it?

- Why doesn't the old man ask about the kid's parents and find out he's home alone and invite him to stay with him until they get hold of his parents or something, like becoming a temporary guardian of sorts? I guess it's somehow morally better to just leave a young kid fend for himself against two adult burglars.WHAT?


There are more things that absolutely make no sense, but I grow weary. These movies are such garbage, no one ever thinks anything through, because they want to tell a ridiculous, unrealistic story about MacGyver's lost son.


Yes, but it works. This movie is so successful. I may be stupid in your eyes. but I love it.


"No matter how big a house or large a family you have, you're NOT going to forget all the commotion that happened 'yesterday'."

kid get left by parent all time. read news media and you see this. kid left in car, left in malls, kid left at gay uncle house.

"A human ear can't make a mistake like that. You can't mistake a tiny cracker or whatever it's called, exploding in a box together with fake gunfire from a TV with a REAL GUNSHOT or real gunfire."

kevin turn TV up loud. he have special loud speekers. he mix that with fire cracker and it create loud sound to startle intruder.


This movie came out in 1990, that's all the explanation you need.


To me the one big flaw has always been that after Kevin became friends with Old Man Marley at the church, he should've just told him, "Robbers are coming to my house at 9:00, let's call the cops and wait by your house."
Kevin basically ran out of the church like he had nobody in the world who could help him.


He was 8 years old.. 8 year olds don't think and use their brain.


he should've just told him, "Robbers are coming to my house at 9:00, let's call the cops and wait by your house."

But then he wouldn’t get to fulfill his sadistic fantasies.


That is true. The Wet Bandits really became obsessed with wanting to murder Kevin. Even Harry said he wanted to bite off all his fingers one at a time.

It is really quite funny that 2 grown men wanting to brutally murder a child is played for laughs.

All Kevin had to do was call the cops and hang out with Old Man "South Bend Shovel Sayer" Marley eating pizza and popcorn and Pepsi until the cops showed up. Instead, Kevin insisted on almost burning Harry alive with the blowtorch and almost burned his hand off by the front door. Interesting.


You would fall asleep thinking about Kevin, you would dream about Kevin, you would wake up thinking about Kevin

That mindless humorless rant indicates that it's *you* that thinks and dreams about Kevin.

You are one freaky creepy dude.


Look at the whole house. it is decorated entirely in green and red. It is only meant to be a stage for a christmas story. and the whole crew really made it good looking. Other than that nobody would live in such a house. But I tend to appreciate the crew for their good work and don't think about weather it makes sense to live in such house.


Don't watch Hallmark Christmas movies then- even the shithouses are decorated up the wazoo. I'd love to sell decorations to Hallmark.


How many different movies do you go about on these long winded posts about things that don't make sense from your point of view? Every part of your above analysis is wrong by the way


And they're not funny or even entertaining in any way.


Are tarantulas even considered animals like the OP claims?


I'll tell you this as someone who used to watch this movie everyday when I was a child (I mean actually everyday) :

This movie has a lot of problems lol

It's crazy but I still love it
