What was the name of the guy driving that one silver car...
What was the name of the guy driving that one silver car in the back ground out of focus in one scene, that was turning the corner, and what was his occupation, and what was his wife's name, and how many kids do they have, and how did his car affect the action of the plot, and was that car using the proper tire pressure, and what brand tires were they, and which octane gas was in the vehicle, and was that his dry cleaning in the front seat or a passenger, and if passenger, who was it, what was their name, were they properly credited, how old of a character were they playing and what language did that character speak, and did they have braces on their teeth, and what was their religion, and are they for or against LGBTQPDFXYZWTF?
Jeez Louise! Why do people ask so many dumb f questions about plots that ARE NOT answered in the movie and never need to be asked in the first place? Who gives a shite. If it is not shown in the movie, it doesn't need to be known. Just roll with it and enjoy what you are shown. No one needs 9 hours of extra backstory information to understand and enjoy a movie. It's JUST 2 hours and done!