MovieChat Forums > Ghost (1990) Discussion > 30 already - and has not aged well!

30 already - and has not aged well!

If you think about it seriously, the movie hasn't aged very well. In fact, it is awfully stuffed with clichés and - let's be honest - with the exception of the Goldberg character plain boring.

Ah right, and if somebody is doing a remake, I very strongly opt for an honest lesbian sex scene with Molly and Oda Mae. Because the hypocrisy of showing Swayze instead always bothered me.

But is the US-American audience ready for that yet?


The point of showing Patrick is because Molly let go of the physical and embraced the spiritual. It was Sam touching her.


Hell, WHOOPI hasn’t aged well, and kills everything she touches.

I don’t mean “kills” in a good way.


with the exception of the Goldberg character plain boring.

Yeah, if you find profound explorations of the afterlife boring. True, the theology is no deeper than a Jack T. Chick tract and I don't agree with every jot & tittle, but it effectively conveys profound ideas in a way that is palatable (and entertaining) to the masses.

I very strongly opt for an honest lesbian sex scene with Molly and Oda Mae.

Fudge your moronic "lesbian sex scene." As the other poster pointed out, it was no longer Oda Mae, but Sam; and Molly saw beyond the physical to the spiritual. Grow up.


Tony Goldwyn gave the best performance if you don't think he at least gave a good performance then you're a moron.


Oh, THAT’S a compelling argument, Sambo.


And yet it lays utter waste to anything Hollywood generates now. A powerful, simple story, with charismatic stars that takes you on an emotional journey with a legendary tearjerk ending, free from any kind of tedious woke agenda.

Watching a film like Ghost today is like coming up for oxygen.


True. I watched Ghost for the first time today and it moved me like no modern movie could. I feel mostly blank watching modern movies but Ghost hit me a certain way.


You needn't worry too much. If this was being remade today for an adult audience, chances are that they would choose to go with the black female lesbian sex scene angle over using the white man. In fact the white man may just be reserved for the bad guy parts, including replacing the hispanic thief for one.


WHY respond to a post that is deleted??

The poster to much of a coward to answer any questions?


Two reasons:

1. To stimulate further conversation as to why this wasn't a terrible move.

2. To make sure that the original poster (who is more than likely still aware of this thread) doesn't start any more dumb threads like this one.
