
Without Scott and Dourif and to a lesser extent Flanders, this could have been a dud. Dourif, especially was sensational as the Gemini Killer, one of the creepiest characters that I've seen on film and I loved the exchange between Flanders and Scott early on, when Scott tells the story of the carp in his bath. He did it straightfaced in spite of the fact that Flanders was cracking up.

Too late to die Young


The acting is especially delightfull and surprisingly full of joy, despair and wit. I think the film is also particular beautiful and visually stimulating. But you're right, when the film starts to nosedive (after an incredibly promising setup), the acting is one of the stronger components that consistently keep you engaged. Will be interesting to see the directors cut, out in Oct.


Director's Cut? What? I'm there.
