Will they make a separate IMDB page for the director's cut?
Since it's getting an official release, isn't this about right?
Superman II and Superman II: The Donner Cut both had separate pages on IMDB once the latter was released.
The same thing happened to Payback once its director's cut was released as well. There's a board for Payback and a separate one for Payback: Straight Up.
Will the same thing happen here? There's one for The Exorcist III, obviously. Can they make one for Legion: The Exorcist III Director's Cut?
And if there's no plans for it, how might I go about requesting it from an IMDB mod or admin? I think it would make for some intriguing, separate discussion and (most importantly) fair rating for both separately.
Maybe Bastach can do it for us..? He seems to be the appropriate go-to guy for such a task.
I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way