What director's cut??

I have googled it and I cannot find a copy anywhere.
All I can find is a fan edit.....Where can I watch the DC?


It's on the new Blu Ray from Scream Factory of Exorcist III that came out last week.


Do you happen to know what the differences are? Is it worth watching?


Basically, the Director's Cut does not have any scenes with Father Morning or the actual exorcism as seen in the theatrical cut. Those things were added by the studio later on and deviated from the original idea for the film. Brad Dourif plays the role of Karras/Gemini Killer all the way through. No Jason Miller in the director's cut like you see in the theatrical cut. The opening is a bit different, though some footage from the theatrical was used to fill in the gaps during the credits. A scene where Kinderman is told about Brother Fein is in the director's cut, as well as the Karras' grave being exhumed, only to discover that the body in the coffin is NOT Karras (but instead is Brother Fein). All scenes of Kinderman talking to the Gemini in the cell are alternate, set in a different cell than the one seen in the theatrical cut.

Is it worth watching? I say, ABSOLUTELY. If you are a fan of Exorcist III, then you should watch the director's cut for no other reason than to see what the film may have been like before the studio decided to make some changes. I can't tell you if you will like it better or not, but it is really interesting to see none the less, whichever version you end up liking more. Just be forewarned that much of the added material is of VHS quality, as that is all that could be found. I think we are very lucky to be afforded the opportunity to see an alternate cut of this already great film. 

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I did actually watch a fanedit edit last night as I couldn't find a way to see the DC.
Can you spoil the ending for me?
In the fanedit, Kinderman just walked in to the cell and shoots Damien in the head and the films ends pretty much right away.
Personally, I preferred the other ending as this just seemed pretty abrupt.


The ending is the same, but it is the original footage on VHS with the original cell set. Kinderman walks into the hallway and asks the nurse to open the door. She says that he may not be awake, but Kinderman is certain that he is awake. He enters, while the Gemini sits there staring at him. He says, "pray for me, Damien", then shoots the Gemini twice in the chest. he walks upo, puts the gun to his temple, and fires. Cut to the sun with the bird flying. End credits.

Personally, I love the Theatrical Cut. It was a joy to see the Director's Cut, but I prefer the Theatrical over it. That is just my opinion.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Sounds pretty much the same as the version I watched last night, accept in this version after Kinderman shoots Damien, it cuts to him standing by Damien's grave, end film

I prefer the original ending too as the other ending feels like the film has no payoff.

Also, in the fanedit the Gemini killer explains how Damien's body ended up in the asylum....Crawling out the coffin basically. Is this explained in both versions? I don't seem to remember this being explained before.
