MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist III (1990) Discussion > Side-by-side comparison of Dourif (Legio...

Side-by-side comparison of Dourif (Legion) and Miller (Exorcist III)

If you're interested in seeing how Brad Dourif compares to Jason Miller, and then to himself in the re-shot scenes, I edited together a split-screen comparison to see how they fare side-by-side.

Check it out here:

It's really interesting to see not only two different actors delivering the same dialogue in different ways, but then one of the same actors delivering the same dialogue in re-shot scenes. Dourif's performance is a little bit different in each version and it's hard to say what works better... I guess each works the way it should for the respective versions of the film.

Personally I like Jason Miller's inclusion and I have to admit I missed it when watching the director's cut.


Thanks very much for posting this - it is a fascinating compare-contrast viewing experience! I applaud your efforts - and the results.



I wonder: Is Scott's performance alternate in any way in this one?

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I wonder: Is Scott's performance alternate in any way in this one?

Not really, no.

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Scott's performance is more or less the same since his role in the scene is more reactionary, but I ended up editing together another video of the other scene between Patient X/Kinderman, and there is one moment with Kinderman that plays out a little differently.

Instead of demanding information, he sort of tries to coax it out of X by agreeing that he is the Gemini Killer, but adding that he couldn't fully believe until he reveals how he's able to get out of his cell...sort of slyly trying to get it out of him. But other than that it's just about the same. I've noticed there's a lack of closeup shots of Kinderman in the Director's Cut so it's hard to tell completely if there's some more subtle differences to his approach.

The second video is here:


the theatrical cut is better but i will say exorcist 3 is by far the best sequel an a good double feature with the original if someone could take the great stuff from the theatrical cut an bring in the best stuff from the directors cut an splice them together you could make a film about on the level of the first or close to it lol
