MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist III (1990) Discussion > Fr. Kanavan/No Fr. Kanavan

Fr. Kanavan/No Fr. Kanavan

Although Blatty has, perhaps, been rightly praised for "not showing" the priest's decapitated body, although he did shoot that scene, I wonder if it could have been used somewhere else in the picture to an extremely chilling purpose/effect.

E.g., iirc, immediately after the infamous nurse/hallway scene, Blatty inserted a shot of the headless Christ bust (so infamously missed earlier by Kinderman even though he was shown standing right next to it). I think Blatty's idea was to "firm up" for the audience that Nurse Keating has been decaptiated by the sheet-shrouded figure wielding the surgical shears.

However, I wonder if a quick shot of the headless Kanovan in the confessional might have been useful and more pertinent/appropriate at this juncture. We already know his face, and we already know that he's been decapitated - so the scene would be immediately understandable in that context. As I said, the scene would be brief, and it would much better suggest the decapitation of a living person than a shot of a cold, inert piece of sculpture. The shot could be lighted in an eerie manner, perhaps grainy black and white, or perhaps a kind of sickish, "leaden" lighting with desaturated color. And I think it would be successfully shocking, since to that point Blatty has not shown us the priest's decapitated body ... he has only shown his initial look of terror, and his blood streaming out from the base of the confessional. And then... to unexpectedly, suddenly, see the full results of his murder, no matter how briefly, would probably have been completely appropriate and shocking to most viewers.

Any thoughts?


In the last section of the documentary on the Bluray, All This Bleeding, there is a still shot of that priest in the confessional holding his own head. I guess there were no deletes scenes to be found of that particular shot.



Thanks for this info... However, I was not necessarily thinking of "film footage" of a deleted scene, but rather the use of that famous photograph that still exists... only processed and lighted in an uncanny, eerie way. That is - a photographically modified glimpse of the still photograph - like the "still" photo of the headless Christ bust, but only more (hopefully) effective because of its fleshly, not sculptured, nature...


In Kinderman's dream, we get to see Kanavan with his head sewed back, same as Dyer. I think this is more effective as horror, and less cheap, than showing his body holding the decapited head, which would look too much like a slasher movie, while Blatty was going for mood and chilling dialogue.

In the new Blu-ray there's an alternate confession murder scene, in which we see the old lady/Gemini Killer using the large shears to decapitate Kanavan. I thought this was incredibly scary, but alas, it would have not made any sense, as the Gemini is supposed to paralyze the vocal chords of the priest with medicine before getting his head off.


...yes, that alternate confession murder scene sounds horrific, but like you said, the Gemini would have paralyzed Kanavan first, decapitated him second - as happened with the Kintry kid...
