Edward's hands

Does anybody else find it strange that when Vincent Price drops Edward's replacement hands, they shatter into several pieces? That would seem to have made them almost as impractical as his scissor hands. As soon as he tried to clap, that would have been it...


Hands were made from rubber or something similar. They didn't shatter. When inventor collapsed hands got stabbed by Edward's scissors and he dropped them afterwards.


That's right, Edward sliced them with his blades.
However, recent DVD editions have edited/cut some of this scene, possible the few seconds that show the hands been cut in half.


Why did The Inventor give him life before giving him hands? That never seemed to make sense? Why not finish creating him first?



I always thought the robot was a worker inwich the Inventor turned into a man slowly.
And teaching him to be human with emotions. Edwards last gift from being a worker robot to becoming a man is his completion an the gift of the hands.
