I'm watching the movie right now and I love it's one of my favorites. But here's the thing, these two characters annoying me so much. Because Joyce is a total slut and later on makes up a rumor about Edward raping her all because she wanted to have sex with him and he got embarrassed and ran out. And Esmerelda judges Edward because of his appearance and tells everyone he's evil and I don't think people who are that deeply religious should be judgemental cause Edwards character is that he's a total sweetheart.
I suppose that was the point Burton was making.....they're all bored housewives. I don't see it as an attack on Christianity as much as someone who takes their faith to an unhealthy, judgemental extreme.
Edward putting the devil sculpture plant in front of her window is hilarious.
I don't see it as an attack on Christianity as much as someone who takes their faith to an unhealthy, judgemental extreme.
... well-said, Mississippi. The movie may also be expressing the idea that far from revealing truth, religious dogmatism produces dangerous levels of delusion and unreality, which of course fits with the film's overall (and ironic) treatment of reality versus unreality, or normalcy versus abnormality. Edward Scissorhands questions our conventions.
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I think - and I don't mean to be rude or argumentative, so forgive me if it seems that way - that it's less that "over-exaggerated characters like that that give Christians a bad name" and more that over-exaggerated characters like that are a reaction to the excesses we see daily from certain - NOT all! - organizations and individuals who claim to be Christian, and yet live a life and act in ways that are anything but Christ-like. There are a great many people out there in this world who claim to be Christian, and then by their every word and action prove that they have no idea what it means to be a 'little Christ.'
Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck...all of these people and more pollute the airwaves with words and actions that would make Esmerelda feel utterly justified in her persecution and mistreatment of Edward, and yet, they claim they are Christians. It's people like THEM who give Christians a bad name, not fictional characters clearly caricaturing their ilk.
--- I don't know what's worse: "true believer" religions, or LARP religions like Wicca. - Archaeopteryx
I thought both women were hilarious and very entertaining, especially Esmeralda. They were meant to represent the typical bored housewife who embraces everything new as long as it fits into their world and are quick to judge it when it doesn't go exactly the way.
Coming from a small town/suburb I recognize hose women so well. It was both hilarious and painful to watch.
I think we are past the point of being stupid masses of people who don't know the difference between real christians and these over-exaggerated christian characters.
But yes, muslims do suicide bomb innocent people for the sake of their holy war.
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All of the women in the town made me so angry, they were all behind him when they thought he was so good-looking and mysterious but when he panicked and tried to get away, they were all against him and just ready to go hurt/kill him.
Esmeralda was awful for judging him so quick on his appearance, just because someone looks different doesn't make them evil. Also, Joyce was a terrible slut behaving like that, and of course, she was one of the first to go ahead and gossip.
I feel like Esmeralda was quick to judge not only based on appearance but also because it took the heat off her a little, to have someone seemingly weirder (and weaker) around to point fingers at. And Joyce was truly frightening. I had a similar situation happen where I distanced myself from a group and they started attacking because they couldn't handle the fact that someone didn't want to be a part of their community.