MovieChat Forums > Edward Scissorhands (1990) Discussion > Perhaps the best Tim Burton and Johnny D...

Perhaps the best Tim Burton and Johnny Depp collboration

The movie is phenomenal and rather touching at the end. This is easily one of Tim Burtons best films. The man is a visionary that cannot be matched in his realm.

It's also a great Pinocchio arc in terms of it's story. You guys should see the marathon I did with this one. It's called When Technology Morphs Into It's Own Pinocchio. You can check it out here on my blog.


Although they've made some memorable movies together, to me only Ed Wood is on the same level as Edward Scissorhands (really like Sleepy Hollow though). Some would argue that the former is better, but ES is their best one in my mind.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Edward is definitely Johnny Depp's best role to date. Nothing else he has done is as beautiful and unique.

