99 minutes?

Was just rewatching this and something occurred to me...

99 minutes. That's 1 hour and 39 minutes which is about the average length of your typical movie. Could Raimi have been making some kind of meta statement about an actor's role? Or maybe how going beyond that time can "strain" your average moviegoers attention span? I mean, an actor portrays their character and/or the director creates this imaginary world for the audience and then it's over much like Darkman only has that much time to pull off his cons while masked as the others in the film itself before his mask disintegrates. And then, the actor/director goes on to create another character/movie world in their next film. Am I making any sense? lol

The laddie reckons himself a poet!


I thought of that too. 99 minutes would give Darkman just enough time to watch his own movie! But if it's dark in the theater, maybe he could last a little longer in case there are a lot of previews-
