MovieChat Forums > The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) Discussion > I just finished the book, should I watch...

I just finished the book, should I watch this? BUT

I seen the movie already, about 10 years ago, wihtout HAVING READ the, I remember NOT Liking the movie.

But as I said 10 years passed, I the book KICKS ASS.

So, should I watch it?


I read the book ages ago and liked it quite a lot...which made me dislike the movie because unlike the dark, non-redemptive ending of the novel they tacked on a totally Hollywood-like happy end which is completely out of place with the satirical and critical intention of the book. The worst Brian de Palma film I can remember.

I blow my nose at you and all your silly English k-nnnnniggets.


The movie is awful.
