Low IMDB rating explained by ideology meatpuppets?
It is interesting to see the distribution of votes for this movie, which caused it to be very low rated.
Lok at the distribution:
Votes Percentage Rating
196 3.7% 10
172 3.2% 9
435 8.1% 8
723 13.5% 7
987 18.4% 6
964 18.0% 5
732 13.6% 4
484 9.0% 3
307 5.7% 2
367 6.8% 1
This movie has a good cast and good production values. Right? It is no cheapie movie, certainly. But look at how many voters gave it a 1 or a 2. More than 12% gave it a 1 or a 2.
THere is only one reason why so many voters would slight this movie taht way--IDEOLOGY!
There were large numbers of voters who felt that this movie represented their ideological enemy. I am sure they would tell you that it was "racist". I tdo not think so. Instead it told the truth. Now, I am the furthest thing from a rightiwnger. This movie pointed out some hypocrisies that are not often told in our society. Why is that?
I think that these people -- liberals, to be precise -- who voted 1 oer 2 or 3 were simply reacting to their ideological programming. THey are like puppets, robots, unthinking biological machines who have been programmed to fight the ideological fight for the upper class. This ideology that they have been given is a mirror image of that given the rightwingers. Both sides have been programmed to fight a ideological battle. That battle is one that helps the upper class keep the battle away from issues that would hurt the fat wallets of the upper class.
This movie was judged politically (actually pseudopolitically, and more ideologically) by those voters.
My documentary in progress: