I never got a chance to post this, but now that IMDb is ending the message boards I just wanted to say wings is and always will be an awesome show and I wish I'd of posted more things sooner with all of you , I would of really enjoyed hearing the different comments and opinions that all of you's would of had to of shared with me.
Wings will always be one of my favorite shows, too. I will miss the boards as well-really no other place where you can find a group to discuss a ~25 year old program.
"Twilight follows the brightest day, And every cat in the twilight’s gray, Every possible cat."
Very much agree with you, Luzernecountysheriff. Glad we have these shows on dvd to watch and enjoy. It will be a big miss not to be able to discuss them with other IMDb users, though. Thanks for all the great memories!
If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature
OP and others here, if you are seeing this, that means you have found MovieChat, and the boards have not truly ended!
I've always loved this series. Watching any episode usually put you back into a great mood. And I loved the setting. Not many sitcoms (if any) taking place at a small airport with a little food counter as one its the main gathering places.
I certainly hope that some of you people found your way here to MC. We can still discuss this wonderful show.
I never get tired of watching this show. It was so well done with a marvelous cast. I re watched the pilot last night and I'm always impressed with the way each character was introduced. you came away, knowing their backstory, knowing where they were going and wanting more.
thank goodness it lasted so many seasons!
I agree. When I mention it to people they always say, "Oh yeah. That one about the two brothers who were pilots....."
Personally, I think it's one of the best sitcoms ever!
Wings was made to follow Cheers, but got less attention. The secret to both these shows was that they were written as if for radio; hence, the dialogue had true wit. There was no slapstick or sight gags. They were part of NBC’s “must-see TV” Thursday lineup, but in a class of their own. You could not pay me enough to watch Friends, The Single Guy or A Different World, all of them allegedly “must see.” Know what? Not even Seinfeld. Has not aged well, at all.
Truth. Modern TV lost the ability to make a decent sitcom. Wings is top tier and very rewatchable, unlike Seinfeld (which I enjoyed when it was fresh).
Some friends of our recommend the occasional new sitcom but we don't even try anymore. It's a forced cringe-march every time.
For me Seinfeld didn't pretend to be high-minded comedy. I get your point about the dialogue of "Wings" though.
The truth is, as the decades progressed and mass media has influenced the behavior of all age groups, not just the millennial/zillennials, and people can't identify with characters like these anymore. There were a handful of other sitcoms you didn't mention that I thought strived for character-driven comedy like "Dear John" and "Becker, MD" but they did have a lot of gimmicky site-gag plot points to attract younger audiences. I just enjoyed seeing Ted Danson and Judd Hirsch instead of Jennifer Manniston and her "friends".