If you were Joel

Would you have hated being sent to Cicely as much as he did? How would you have handled it?



It would be easier being single than egaged. Joel has a right to be angry.


Angry about Cicely or Alaska in general? The fact is, Joel knew when he entered med school that his scholarship required service in Alaska after he graduated. I wonder if he would have struggled as much with Anchorage, which was his original placement location.

And he was with Elaine for so long, insinuated since childhood, she was just as much in on the stipulations of him accepting the scholarship years earlier.

Did everyone catch the very first scene of the pilot, where he is nervously jabbering to his seatmate about how he and Elaine had checked out Anchorage the previous summer and liked it? All the seatmate asked was "ever been there in the winter?" and Joel got a panicked look on his face.

But justified anger? I'm not sure he was ever totally misled about what he originally signed up for.


I spent a year in Anchorage one week.
