feels like home
I know it sounds chesey but I have watched the show enough that it feels like comfort to me. I go long times without watching so its fresh again. I started a rewatch this time last year, and introduced it to my gf. She loved it.
We watched and drank wine together. Was always a nice night. We broke up in late april and I took a break not knowing if I was going to keep going with the rewatch. A few weeks ago I finally figured enough was enough I missed the show and I put in Kaddish for Uncle Manny where we had left off. I was wondering if I would be soured on the show. Instead, it felt like being surrounded by old friends that were glad to have me back in town. I know it sounds stupid but it was great spending with all the characters again. Tonight I watched Mudd and blood which was pleasant since I forgot a lot of the details of the episode all together. So it was really fresh. Even knowing Im getting close to the series coming to and end with finnishing up season 4, I felt right at home again with all the characters and places. I feel like its the only show to really give me an experience like that. I feel like a fly on the wall, like I am right up at the bar with Chris and Ed. Or could be walking around town hearing Joel gripe. Or looking on shelves at Ruth Annes store. I have even had vivid dreams of walking around and interacting with the characters before.
Anyone else feel like they are part of Cicley or is it just me?