Blue Flash????

I remember when I was much younger and being big comic book fans my Dad and I would watch this show all the time. For some reason there was an episode with a Blue Flash charactr with the picture of Hermes or Mars or something like that, another legendary speedster of some kind. Can anyone remind who that charater was?



I think the Gemini twins names are Castor and Pollux.


Yeah, they are, but they were also the brothers of Helen of Troy.


Castor and Pollux Troy of Face Off



Yes, that was "Twin Streaks." It can be inferred that it was inspired by Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash, from the comics. However, the Reverse Flash had a yellow costue, with red lightning bolts and a black circle emblem. I suppose the proucers felt the blue suit looked better with the series color pallete and lighting scheme.

The epsiode was pretty good, although it would have been interesting to see what they could have done with the more villainous Prof. Zoom, than the naive Pollux.

The prof. Zoom name did turn up, in "Done with Mirrors" as Barry's alias, during an undercover investigation.


Wouldn't "reverse flash" be really slow?


I don't think Pollux was the series's version of Reverse Flash, or Zoom or whatever is named now, I think it was the Flash version of Bizarro


Yeah... I think Grendelkhan might have ended his own argument with that post.
Really very little in connection with Prof Zoom/Hunter Zolomon.

That said, I too thought it was a bit of a waste of a concept.



