TV Flash getting a lot of new attention lately!
First of course the series was just released on DVD. Then in a new episode of Justice League Unlimited, that has yet to air in the US, Mark Hamill is voicing the Trickster! The character was even drawn to look like he did on the live action show. Now most surprising of all, Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, the main writers and producers behind the TV series are going to be the writers of The Flash comic book!
It is not known yet who will be going by "The Flash" name when they start writing the comic. But even then, it is responsible to think that some concepts and characters that up to this point only existed in the TV show may appear in the comics! Whatever happens I am excited about this!
The fact that all of these things have happened at the same time is strange coincidence. I had thought that most people, at DC Comics in particular, had forgotten about this wonderful show.