great show

Aside from The Hulk, this was the best live-action superhero show ever done. The cheesy 60's Batman was pretty good as wanna talk bad talk Lois& Clark the guy they picked was....pretty good I guess--most of the cast was actually pretty fit for their roles to tell the truth. But as Superman? please. picking the smallest skinnyboned guy you could find as Supes just sucked. He didn't portray Supes really that well either. Luthor was another one that needed a re-casting.


I agree. I never really got into Lois & Clark. I only watched about several episodes.


The Flash had much better character development & FAR better special effects, that The Hulk.
TV reduced The Hulk to being The Fugitive, in green drag--with a reporter standing in for Lieutenant Gerard. The Hulk isn't about being chased down every week.

Carpe Noctem
