funky decor

Noticed how most villains in this series have a really funky painted decor in their hideout ?


yep thought it was awful

watch this from twin streaks

EZ the man with two legs


That was probably to add some color, since everything else seemed to happen at night. They took too much inspiration from the Burton batman on this show. personally, I think they should have followed the 60's Batman, minus the camp and cheap effects. The Flash is more of a gimmick character, with gimmick villains. The Rogues Gallery could have been used to great fun, with a lighter touch to the series. Not an all out comedy, but maybe something along the lines of Psych.


Not just the hideouts, practically everywhere had murals, even the police lab. Which makes me wonder that if the police needed assistance tracking down criminals, why not find the guy who's painting these murals that evidently has access to any place?

I thought one of the more amusing ones was the JFK/atom bomb/radiation symbol motif in the fallout shelter where the Black Roses were hiding out.

Or maybe it's like the mysterious Banksy, who manages to paint all over the place, yet no one really knows who he is.
