Comic Book References
How much of the comic book made it into this series?
We got the persona of Barry Allen who works in a crime lab, mixed with the need for him to eat a lot like Wally West.
We got girl friend Iris West from Silver Age Flash in the first episode.
We got Tina McGee from the Wally West Flash books.
We got Captain Cold.
We got Mirror Master.
We got Reverse Flash from the Golden Age with Jay Garrick.
We got humorous references to Professor Zoom, also knows as Reverse-Flash of the Silver Age.
In the same episode, we also got a scene of the clone running so fast as to disappear on a treadmill...a reference to Professor Zoom/Reverse-Flash's futuristic Cosmic Treadmill??
We got The Trickster in the form of Mark Hamill.
Are there any other nods towards the comic books that I may be missing???
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?