I am watching these episodes now after seeing the new Flash series. In order to have a good superhero show, you need good villians too. I want to see Flash fighting Mirror Master or Captain Cold, not some presumed dead 1960's renegade chemist who wants to make drugs.
This is the problem that every live action superhero show ever had until recently. They put all the effort into developing the hero, then nothing into the Villians. The George Reeves Superman, 70's Spider Man show, this show, etc., same problem. And let's face it - I love the 60's Batman, but the only really good villians were the Big 4 (Penguin, Joker, Riddler and Catwoman) and Mr. Freeze. Marsha Queen of Diamonds and Louis the Lilac - Really? FINALLY, the current Flash and Arrow shows are actually developing some good villians. So is Gotham.
Got to have some good bad guys.